Updates below!
OK, I'm at the ugly stage right now! I've gone too far in the other direction and lightened the snow too much. SIGH! Oh well, and I realize the snow is too high on the right hand side. Shrinking the picture down to this size helps because it is fairly big to work on and I can't get back far enough to see the mistakes.
I'm not even looking at the right hand fox at the moment. It has to be much more detailed than the far one, but if the scenery isn't correct, the whole painting won't work.

Back to fix everything.
Monday morning Oct. 30th update: This is what it looks like before I run uptown to buy more paint. :)

Using a lot of white on this one! I'll be back to do more and post the updates later today. It has to be finished by tomorrow night! EEEEEEEEKKK.
All right, if I were a drinking person right now I would take a good stiff drink! As it is, I'm having a diet pop and a computer break. :(
I'll keep going till late tonight.