Pam Dallaire is an artist living in Smooth Rock Falls, Ontario, Canada. Pam shares her painting progress as it happens.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
News Years Resolutions
Pam's New Years Resolutions: (or, "I'll do my best to: ")
1/ Enter the Ducks Unlimited Artist Portfolio Competition.
2/ Work on more mining miniatures or small artworks that depict the history of mining in the north.
3/ Do more large scale landscapes on canvas.
4/ Produce works of art for the Ontario Puma Foundation.
5/ Apply for membership into the Worldwide Nature Artist Group (This has been a goal of mine for the last two years.)
6/ Get a new digital camera for better wildlife photo references.
Let's see if I add anything before New Year's eve. :)
7/ 24 hrs. before the new year and I think I will look for more orginizations that would like my help. I love painting for a cause. :)
Xmas is over.
The Puma is on the easel calling to me so I may paint while a turkey cooks in the oven today. We ate turkey at the relatives over xmas so we are having ours a few days late. I love turkey!! :)
The New Years is approaching and I have to make some decisions about the upcoming year. Of course, I am entering The Ducks Unlimited Canada Competition, but I haven't really thought about what else I would like to do. This is a time of reflection: a time to look back on the things I have accomplished and make decisions on where I would like to go from here.
I am going to try a wedding portrait this next month. A real change for me, but I love a challenge. It doesn't mean that my wildlife painting will take a back seat. I work on many paintings at one time.
So...I should start posting updates shortly.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Happy Holidays
Pamela Dallaire
The xmas issue of Highgrader Magazine, front cover. :)
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
It's almost done!
Here is 20 Pounder
Monday, December 11, 2006
20 Pounder almost done.
Once the ripples look correct the rest should look pretty good. I'm pleased with how it is turning out. I love painting fish! :)
Saturday, December 09, 2006
20 Pounder
I've been working on the head this morning to help me decide how light to go.
Will post more later today.
Sat. night Update: Well, I'm sure this fish has done more fighting on the canvas than he ever did in real life. A long way to go but I'm not beaten yet. :)
Friday, December 08, 2006
Back to painting tonight.
Tonight will be different...I can feel the urge to dig in and create again!! Boy, this is becoming addicting! LOL
So, updates later tonight. Oh, I'm doing fix-ups on the foxes snow and working on the carp. What the heck are the names of those paintings ?? #$%!! :)
Then I changed to the carp painting. I am concentrating on getting the outline of the carp correct in the ripples and will gradually brighten and lighten it until it looks like it is underwater. The trick is putting in enough to see it against the background water.

Sunday, December 03, 2006
Midnight Bandits finished.
Almost done raccoons.
More to do on the large raccoon and a little touching up to make the frame look like a wooden window frame.
More this evening.
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Saturday raccoon update.
Here is the baby raccoon so far. I'm working late tonight to get as much done as possible. I'm slow today.

I'll post an update below later.
Here it is so far, will finish it in the morning.