Well...I made it to Smooth Rock Falls. Not a smooth move at all but I'm here.
I seem to have moved to crow heaven. Crows fly the skies, walk the grass and generally make all kinds of noise. I'll miss Blackie but have many wild crows to watch now.
I didn't expect it to be so windy here. I don't know if it's just because it's spring or because of the flat terrain. I should have anticipated it.
I haven't taken any pictures yet, my camera isn't even charged. I hope this weekend my whole schedule gets back to normal. I plan to unpack all my art supplies. :)
I feel like I am on a very tiring vacation where every minute of the day is busy, busy, busy. My brain doesn't even register that I'm moved yet. The two cats have adapted faster than me.
Now to find the camera charger so I can take pictures to post. :)