This painting is being done for a themed exhibition, "Signs & Symbols" for the Porcupine Art Club.
I don't want to have the theme seem overbearing in the painting so the sign is understated. You will see it in the background, soon to read "No Exit". I've been wanting to paint this theme since seeing the sign in the cemetery 2 years ago, although this is not the same cemetery.
All I want the viewer to see is a beautiful headstone and then as the viewer's eye travels around the painting they will see the No Exit sign and interpret it on their own.
Step 1:
I gridded out the picture, after many changes in composition, and drew the outline of the stone. There will be an marble angel on each side of the stone when finished.
I painted all the darkest areas with waterproof India Ink. After drying, I started painting with watercolours over top of the ink. When all the painting is done in watercolours I will do the touch up's in coloured pencils. I have already started putting coloured pencil work over the India Ink in the trees.
The most difficult painting will be the intricate work on the front/ top of the stone.
