The weather outside is wild with wind and freezing rain so I've stayed inside and tried my new paint I received for xmas.
It's called
Acryla Gouache by Holbein. Kind of a cross between watercolour and acrylic.
I'm NOT a watercolour artist because I like to change things as I go along. This paint allows me to paint in semi-transparent washes or use it straight like acrylic where it is opaque. What is really neat is it doesn't dry 30 percent darker like acrylic. On my own tests, it dries up to 10 % darker depending on the colour, and that isn't enough to worry about. Now I can pre-mix my colours without worrying about colour shifting.
Some people don't like the chalkiness of gouache but I haven't found that a problem. The colours are intense and clean. You can keep them wet on a wet palette made for acrylics. If you make a mistake while painting, you just add water and scrub off like watercolour. The colour will eventually set so it doesn't move once the layer is dry.
Cozy step 4:

Another neat thing about the paint is that I have added it over watercolour on the kitten painting and over acrylic on the kayak painting.
Kayaks: Step 4

It works well over both mediums and when making a mixed media, I don't want to worry about paint not taking to the paper.
For me, it seems that this is a great medium. Now I just have to find a regular supplier. :(