Another Historical piece of art celebrating the 100th Anniversaries of the City of Timmins.
It's not just about the train station. I spent most of my youth within the radius of the train station and the church in the bottom right corner of the picture. Our house was situated one on the block behind the church. I loved the sound of the church bells and the train whistles as the train passed by below the church. :)
The picture is a LOT older than I am but the memories are the same. I used to sit on those same pulley carts waiting for the train, and the building has just been turned into the city bus station.
Timmins Train Station: 22x 30"
Step 7:
Finished and Varnished. Photo taken with indoor lighting.

Step 6:

Step 5 is one you can't see on the finished work: An experiment. I plan to varnish the finished charcoal. I haven't done it before, and normally I would do these steps before starting work on a piece.
I glued (with acrylic medium) the watercolour paper to a piece of hardboard and weighted it down for a few hours. After it was attached I let it dry overnight. I just sealed the back of the hardboard and I'm letting it dry so that it will never absorb moisture and warp.
When the board and paper are completely dry I will continue to work on the charcoal. I did a test before deciding to try this technique and liked the look of it. The mid-gray tones will look different than a dry charcoal drawing but with so much dark black in the drawing, it should look good. I won't know unless I try. :)
The varnish will have to be dry and the drawing framed by noon Wednesday, for delivery, so I'll work all weekend on the drawing.
It will be displayed at La Galeruche, La Ronde Building, in Timmins during the month of March. It is The Porcupine Art Club's annual non-themed exhibit, just the members most recent works.
Step 4:

Step 3:

Step 2:

Step 1: the grid.
