Cruising: Step 2
Off to do some shopping before continuing. It's my BIRTHDAY, .... YEAH!
(Don't ask my age.)
End of the day update.
Bear Drinking, need a better name for this one.

Pam Dallaire is an artist living in Smooth Rock Falls, Ontario, Canada. Pam shares her painting progress as it happens.
Off to do some shopping before continuing. It's my BIRTHDAY, .... YEAH!
(Don't ask my age.)
End of the day update.
Evening Post:
More aggravation! My 14 year old dog hates thunderstorms. A noisy one this afternoon gave him the idea of hiding upstairs. This is something he hasn't done for years because his legs have a difficult time navigating stairs. I heard him head for the stairs and before I could get out of my chair I heard bump, bump, bump. Not a great sound but he walked back into the living room with a slight limp. Now, a few hours later he is really limping and I have a heating pad on his leg. I was able to get him outside before night but I don't know what the morning will bring. :(
On to the painting:
The background has changed and I'll start on the horse after I correct the golden sky colour. I don't like the way it has darkened when it dried.
And here was step 1 with the original colours I had matched from the beginning of the panel.
Once I change the colour of the left grass is should be close enough to finish in the details.
I had to recolour the cheek of the horse and will add all the detail of the face later to make sure it stands out. I have 3 days left to finish the horse and then mail it out.
The next painting to work on will be "Puma on the move."
Next is step 6 where I start to change the colour on the right, trying to get the same values or darkness as the purple was. The paint keeps changing colour as it dries so it may take a few tries.
You can see I added a fence that he always looked over. To get an idea of his size, I am 5'6" and I am about the height of the fence post. This is a typical picture I usually got when I went across the road to visit him. :)
Step 7 adds the barn in the top, right-hand corner and corrects the colours on the manure piles behind him. (They don't smell, they have been composting for a couple of years. It is what I put on the vegetables in my own garden. :)