Monday, February 20, 2012

DONATION to SRF Heritage Centre Museum

I'm doing a donation for the SRF Heritage Centre/ Museum.

I will be doing multiples of this same painting, so I am donating the first one.

If you donate to the museum, your name will be put in a draw for the end of the year. (Canada and USA addresses only.) See the details on their BLOG.

"The Orange Basket" 16 x 20" Oil Painting on Canvas with painted edges.

Step 12:  The Orange Basket is finished and you can see it at the SRF Heritage Centre.  I forgot to photograph it last weekend.

Step 11:  Getting closer to the finish.

 Seeing double?  No, just the beginnings of the second painting done as a demonstration.  You can see that each painting has it's own look.  No two paintings are the same.  :)

Step 10: Did a short session on the leaves, jar and tulips. Just starting on the basket handle.

Step 9: Opaque painting while giving instruction, just starting on the tulips and haven't started the basket yet.

Step 8: Another session of glazing, gradually transitioning to mixed oil colours.

Step 7: Second session of glazing. Updated photo.

Step 6: First session of transparent oil glazes. Letting this dry.

Step 5: Finished the Grisaille.

Step 4: Thick paint. I decided to put away the photo reference and concentrate on my own style of painting, which involves paint thick enough to see brushstrokes. I can't make it too thick at this stage because there will be transparent glazes applied.

Step 3: Modelling (making 3D) the bottom half of the painting.

Step 2: Grayscale continued...

Step 1: Black and White grayscale.


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