Sunday, August 19, 2007

Vacation from painting.

I have finally stopped myself from painting for a few days! It's not a BAD thing. I told myself to take a vacation and then started painting the next morning, but I've calmed down and I'm enjoying the change.

I'm not sitting like a blob in front of the tv on my self inflicted vacation. I've been on the computer morning till night creating a workshop series on Adobe Photoshop and Computer Basics for artists! I'm doing these free of charge, in conjunction with the Porcupine Art Club as part of their 60th anniversary.

Note: If anyone is looking for a Great Photo Editing program, equal to Photoshop, I suggest GIMP! No charge, just download from the internet.

I'm also working on a second website for the club, to mentor young local artists on-line.

As you can see, I'm not bored! I do get some interesting reading done in the evening. (There's NOTHING on television.) I get to read my favourite murder mystery series, "The Cat Who..." by Lillian Jackson Braun. Yes, it is a CAT that helps solve all the murders. :)

So, until my self imposed vacation is over, around the 25th of Aug., have a great summer!


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