Well, I hope to finish, "Workin the Flats", today and I will try hard to do so. The sky is close to being finished and just the water details and then a little boat and people work.
Bow fisherman.
Well, the bow fisherman was too short so I started making adjustments and working on both fishermen in the boat.

UPDATE: Well, I couldn't paint last evening due to company so I'll keep going this morning. Keep watching!
OK, I think the fishermen and boat are done. Now I have to correct the sky that I messed up and finish the waves in the water. You might not be able to see the differences but the bow fisherman's head is now smaller, the pants are finished on the other fisherman and the boat details are filled in. I won't put detail in where it isn't needed.

The last picture for today. I'll post the finished work tomorrow. I think the sky is done but it is very wet so I may make a few changes in the morning.

I have to finish the waves.