Pam Dallaire is an artist living in Smooth Rock Falls, Ontario, Canada. Pam shares her painting progress as it happens.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Xmas Presents and painting.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Swan Song
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
The Cello Player finished.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Inspiration done.
Here is the finished inspiration painting.
Friday, November 09, 2007
Me and My Inspiration

Thursday, November 08, 2007
Stage 2 Forest Inspiration
Going to work on it more and update tonight. :)
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Forest Inspiration Step 1
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Digital Suzie painting

More to come tomorrow.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Finally...something new!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Phantom of the North finished.
Friday, September 07, 2007
Didn't get chosen :(
I actually went on vacation and I am just starting to paint again, if the bears would leave me alone!! YES, I said BEARS! I had one looking in my screen door at lunch time. Good thing he ran when I yelled. Anyway, he went to the other side of the building and started eyeing the cat under the deck. That's when I got serious and shooed him farther away. Next time, I'll have to call the bear hot line.
I took some pics, fuzzy through the double glass and farther ones with me on the deck.

And, tonight I'll work on the owl and the goose paintings.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Vacation from painting.
I'm not sitting like a blob in front of the tv on my self inflicted vacation. I've been on the computer morning till night creating a workshop series on Adobe Photoshop and Computer Basics for artists! I'm doing these free of charge, in conjunction with the Porcupine Art Club as part of their 60th anniversary.
Note: If anyone is looking for a Great Photo Editing program, equal to Photoshop, I suggest GIMP! No charge, just download from the internet.
I'm also working on a second website for the club, to mentor young local artists on-line.
As you can see, I'm not bored! I do get some interesting reading done in the evening. (There's NOTHING on television.) I get to read my favourite murder mystery series, "The Cat Who..." by Lillian Jackson Braun. Yes, it is a CAT that helps solve all the murders. :)
So, until my self imposed vacation is over, around the 25th of Aug., have a great summer!
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Art In The Park 2007
Saturday, August 11, 2007
November art show.
I have to do one self-portrait (already started) and create another piece that shows what inspires me (can be inspired by words from a poem or music). The name of the show will be, "Artist and Inspiration".
The self portrait won't be hard, it's already started, about 1/2 done, painted from life using a mirror.
My painting desk and table easel will be in the background with the "Inspiration" piece in progress on the easel. I have to find the perfect inspiration piece to match the poem I have chosen.
by Bernard Freeman Trotter, 1906 in Wolfville.
Second Lieutenant, Eleventh Leicesters, Killed in Action, in France, May 7, 1917.
Give me no crowded city,
When my heart is lone, and sad,
With its countless thronging thousands.--
The tumult would drive me mad.
In the throbbing life of the city,
Who cares for another's moan?--
Tho' around me the crowd were surging,
I should stand by myself, alone.
Give me no heaving ocean,
Give me no wind-swept plain;
For there--is but time for brooding,
Nothing to heal the pain.
But give me the wide-spread forest,
With its hemlock, and beech, and pine,
With its ash, and its oak, and its maple,
And its ferns, and its mosses fine,
With its rocky glens and streamlets,
And the music of water-falls,
With its birds, and beasts, and flowers,
And its dreamy wild-wood calls.
Tho' I wander, alone, through the forest,
There are friends upon every hand:
Tried friends, who comfort and soothe me,
As they whisper "We understand."
Friday, August 10, 2007
A puzzle.
The Answer: The SAME thing she does when NOT on vacation!
I'm obsessed! I MUST BE....otherwise I would not want to paint when I told myself that I was on vacation.
Oh well.... I couldn't help it is step 1 of "Cello".
Acrylic on canvas, 24.5 x 29.5"
I'll probably work on something else tonight...I give in. :)
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Some progress today.
It's coming along. The paint is very sticky in the heat and humidity so I'll switch to the Canada Goose again and let this one hard dry.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Back to the Snow...Snowy Owl that is.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Goose Step 4
There was music coming from 3 different directions, huge blow up games were available for the kids, all the downtown stores had their wares outside with sales, and the art club was advertising our membership and the art gallery where 8 of our artists have a retail store. Busy, busy, busy!
Here is step 4 of Canada Goose:
I'll be painting more this evening. I need a day off.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Painting at the Sidewalk Sale
So on to the next item. I'm painting at the Timmins Sidewalk Sale later today to draw attention to our art club and the art gallery my sister is part of.
I'll have some updates at the end of the day.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Getting back to the WIPs
Monday, June 25, 2007
Ducks Unlimited Canada
It took a long time to do the paintings and I appreciate all the permission slips I received to use photo references for the competition. I can rest easy now and concentrate on day to day painting.
I'll keep my fingers crossed and see what happens.
Sorry for the delay, I'll update the goose tonight. I'm struggling with a portrait at the moment. :)
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
A goose.
Also, this is step one from "Lantern", a piece I am painting to pass the time at our weekly "Open Studio" to greet the public at the Porcupine Art Club.
More tomorrow.
Friday, June 08, 2007
Yes, I'm still here. :)
I held a computer workshop last night, through the Porcupine Art Club, to teach older artists how to use the computer to help their art businesses. I'm doing this free of charge with the help of GCF Learning. A source for free computer training.
I started with a Computer Basics slide show and will go on to teach, Operating Systems, such as Windows, and then Adobe Photoshop for artists which will be my own lessons.
I have agreed to give this Basic Computer workshop, again, through the Timmins Museum as part of the Porcupine Art Club's 60 Anniversary celebrations. We are trying to include the public in our celebrations and all of our summer workshops are free.
So, until next week.
Monday, May 28, 2007
I'm DONE, I'm Done...
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Fighting off something.
Watch for the update.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Left side left to do.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Chair finished.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
A typical victoria day weekend.
Other than that, I slept in and then worked on the painting to finish. I have a full day tomorrow.
At least I've figured out the focusing on my new camera. These colours are very close to the actual painting. More to come.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Funeral stress and camera practice.
That worked to calm my nerves. I slept a long night and I'm ready to work this morning, and will finish up "I Can Do It" this weekend.
Typical May Run weather, rain, sleet, hail, freezing rain and snow. At least I'm inside painting. I got to watch the loons playing in the mist on the river this evening. That was nice.
Working on the shoes, shadows chair and highlights. It's a good thing my painting is better than my photography, it's not quite in focus. :( I KNOW, the shadows aren't in line but I have to add the fishing rod and then I can fix everythin.
* I had the chance, while I was out of town, to practice with my new camera. I need a lot more practice since I'm no photographer, but I know what I like in a picture.
Lucky the cat kept me company while out of town.
Lucky was also a hypnotist:

My rock fountain turned off:
A russian olive tree branch:
Monday, May 14, 2007
Last Hours of Mural Mosaic auction.
Some sad news today. Our favourite aunt died.
But, to good news. I have my NEW digital camera and plan on taking a lot of wildlife photography. NOW, I just have to learn to use the thing!! I hadn't gotten the tripod out when the fox came to eat. A Wobbly shot and out of focus at dusk in a rain storm. I have the tripod out now!

Till tomorrow then.
Yes, I AM Painting!
But, I am finishing the boy on the dock, called "I Can Do It" and I'll be finished soon. I'm finishing the extra things on the dock first and then the boy.
A family member is gravely ill in the hospital and it's been a tense weekend waiting for news. So, forgive me if I haven't posted much.
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Saturday, May 05, 2007
No voice, No painting...
Unfortunately, I didn't feel well enough to paint with the aching neck. My voice is slowly returning and I'll be able to talk on the phone again! (Thank goodness for e-mail.) And, I can paint again, so watch for progress today. I just won't push myself until I'm well.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Sunday, April 29, 2007
The Push to Finish...
Going well this morning, the faces.
Next is the clothes...
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Girls, girls, girls...
I always work best with a deadline looming. ANYWAY...
Here is step 9:
More this evening.
Step 10:
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Back to the water.
So, I'll leave the water for now and concentrate on the clothes.
I'll continue this Wed.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Sketching at the Timmins Symphony
