It certainly isn't a finished face, just checking how dark or light to make the areas and the left eye needs to be wider. You can't see it in the photo, but I have added texture to the cement where the girls are sitting. Their feet are sitting on an asphalt boat ramp and I have to decide how I want this area to look.
This afternoon was mini paintings, I'll be glad when I get my new glasses that are on order. I CAN"T SEE! The details may have to wait for the glasses.
So, step 1 Great Grey mini: this one is really tiny, 1 x 1.5 inches. I had to grid out the face so I wouldn't have to concentrate on placement.
Step 2: Snowy mini, 3 x 4"

I'll work on the slightly larger paintings for the library.
Other Works In Progress can be found on my website.
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